Make Money Selling Other People’s Products Online In 4 Steps

Simon is a former UK call-centre worker who has gone on to build several highly successful affiliate marketing businesses in various different niches & become officially recognized as a Super Affiliate by the world's largest affiliate marketing training platform. He has since relocated to Thailand & now teaches affiliate marketing to others through Commission Academy.

This is my super simple step-by-step guide on how to sell other people’s products online and make money.

I’ve been earning a full-time income selling other companies’ products online for eight years now and I’m going to show you how you can earn daily commissions in 4 super-simple steps.

So if you don’t know where to find products to sell…

If you’re unsure of how to go about it the best way…

If you don’t know where to get started…

You’re in exactly the right place!

Let’s demystify the world of selling other people’s products online together.

The Best Way To Sell Other People’s Products Online

Selling products online is a genius way to make money online because you can do it from home on a laptop or wherever you are and time-wise? It’s super flexible. It’s also easy to scale.

Follow the steps in this guide and you could easily go on to make $150,000 a year.

So what’s the single best way to sell other people’s products online and get paid?

Affiliate marketing – it’s the undisputed king of online business.

Here’s how it works:

how to sell other people's products online

Forget costly and high-risk business models like dropshipping and Amazon FBA and MLMs because with affiliate marketing you DON’T have to:

  • Buy products
  • Store products
  • Ship products
  • Deal with customer care issues

You just send people to online stores through your affiliate link and make commissions for each sale. They’ll take care of the payments and shipping. It’s a powerful way to make money selling other companies’ products.

And the best part?

All you need is a website.

This is why startup costs are so low.

You can promote products from big-name online stores like Amazon, eBay, Walmart, Target and Best Buy. Simply join their affiliate programs for free, grab your link and start promoting.

It’s not just these brands either – with 10,000s affiliate programs and 100,000s products available to promote online, you can sell whatever you want! This means you get to build your business around the stuff you actually care about!

I have websites about church leadership and learning a second language. I’ve seen websites about gaming, being a mum, origami and keeping pet iguanas! So yeah, whatever your passions, hobbies and interests, you really can make money selling other people’s products online and have fun doing it!

To that end, we’ve created an action plan (broken into 4 steps) to walk you through how it’s done.

Follow These 4 Steps To Sell Other People’s Products

If you’re ready to learn how to start selling other people’s products online and get paid so you can create a real source of income for yourself, let’s dive in.

Let’s begin with Step 1.

Step 1: Choose Which Products To Sell

Your starting point is choosing what kind of products you want to sell and who your target audience is. Or put another way, you’ll be deciding what affiliate marketing niche to go into.

Your niche is the target topic you’ll be focusing on and it could be anything:

  • Technology
  • Food
  • Personal finance
  • Fitness
  • Pet care
  • Fashion
  • Travel
  • Relationships

Want to sell camping equipment? Skincare products? It could be anything you like.

Here’s an epic list of hobbies to get your ideas flowing.

You don’t have to stay in your chosen niche forever. Remember you have a lifetime to explore as many different niches as you want, but it is important to stick to just one when you’re starting out.

Whatever your topic, there are relevant products that immediately spring to mind:

  • Fishing: think rods, reels, lures and bait
  • Fitness: think training programs, dumbells and diet plans
  • Knitting: think needles and yarn
  • Photography: think cameras, lenses and tripods
  • Skincare: think cleansers, moisturisers, masks and toners

Now it’s just a case of getting your affiliate links for these products – and this is where affiliate programs come in.

There are affiliate programs out there for every type of product you can think of, and they’re free to join. Sign up as an affiliate and you can start to sell their entire range of products and start banking commissions.

Affiliate programs are easy to find too – just search “[insert your topic] affiliate programs”.

See what comes up when you type fishing affiliate programs into Google:

how to find products you can sell online

There are a ton of them and you can join as many as you want, each offering anywhere from 2% to 80% commissions for every sale you generate.

Step 2: Create Your Website

You’ve got products you want to sell, now it’s time to create your online store – your website!

Your website is going to be the foundation of everything you do online. It’s where you’ll be:

  • Sending potential customers
  • Placing your affiliate links
  • Selling products

Simply put, a website is going to be the foundation of everything you do to promote products online. I know launching a website can sound scary and the last thing we want is for this to stop you from achieving great success online…

That’s why, in our free Commission Academy course, we break every single step down into a click-by-click process you can follow, even if you’ve never started a website before.

Step 3: Publish Content To Attract Buyers

Once you’ve got your website set up, creating a content plan is next.


Because Google is the best source of traffic for affiliate marketing and creating content (i.e. blog posts) is exactly how you’re going to get a free and daily stream of people coming to your site, clicking your links and buying!

What type of content should you create?

How-to posts, top 10 guides and product reviews work well at getting the right kind of people to your site.

Is it a lot of work?

Yes, especially in the beginning. But it’s worth it once you start to rank for the coveted top spots in Google search results and you’re selling a ton of products and making money every day without having to spam affiliate links on social media or shell out stacks of cash for paid ads.

You’re increasing your earning potential and reach with every single blog post you create. Take a look at the sites that come up when people search “best headphones”:

getting paid to promote products online examples

Using the Jaaxy keyword tool (again, we’ll show you everything you need to know in the Commission Academy training), we can see that more than 4,500 people search Google for “best headphones” each month on average!

That’s a huge crowd of potential customers!

And each of these websites is directing people to sites like Amazon and RadioShack to buy headphones via their affiliate links. Can you imagine how many pairs of headphones they’re selling and how much money these website owners are making on this one post alone?!

I hope you’re starting to see why this is the best way to sell other people’s products online!

Step 4: Start Generating Commissions

And now we’ve saved the best ’til last – the money part!

Join affiliate programs to get access to millions of products you can promote as an affiliate. Insert the links into your content and watch as the commissions start coming in.

Then it’s a case of rinse and repeat. The more content you create, the more visitors you will get to your site, the more products you will sell and the more money you will make.

Ready To Sell Other People’s Products And Get Paid?

Affiliate marketing is hands-down the best way to promote other people’s products online.

It’s super simple. It’s low-cost and low-risk. It’s highly lucrative.

So what are you waiting for?

We’ve sold thousands of products online and earned $100,000s in commissions over the years and helped our students do the same.

Now it’s your turn…

Commission Academy’s crash course will take you through how to make your first commission and how to generate a steady stream of income until ultimately, you are a savvy online business owner.

Get started RIGHT HERE »

Selling Other People’s Products FAQs

We get dozens of questions every day from aspiring entrepreneurs (like you), who are learning how to build a successful and profitable online business for the first time. Here are my answers to the most common beginner questions people also ask when starting to sell other people’s products online.

Is There A Limit To How Many Products You Can Sell?

Nope! There is no limit – you can promote as many products as you want

That’s pretty cool, right?

The beauty of affiliate marketing is you can have several income streams coming in at once. You could promote 1000s of products with a single website if you wanted.

How Much Money Can You Make Selling Other People’s Products?

How much you can make depends on the price of the products you’re promoting and what the commission rates are, though it’s realistic to expect to be earning $1,000 a month after a year of consistent effort. 35% of affiliates go on to earn more than $35,000 a year and 3% earn more than $150,000 a year.

You can make as much as you want. It’s totally up to you how far you want to take it. You can grow your site into an authority site and build a team to outsource tasks or you could have several smaller niche sites around different topics to promote different kinds of products – both are great ways to grow and scale your income.

Does It Take Much Money To Get Started?

No, it doesn’t take much money to start affiliate marketing. Unlike dropshipping and Amazon FBA where you have to pay a lot upfront to source and ship products, with affiliate marketing all you’re doing is sending people to sites like Amazon and letting them take care of the rest.

All you need to get started is the right training, a website domain, web hosting and a keyword tool and we show our students how to get all this for less than $50 a month.

What If I Can’t Decide What Products To Sell?

The best way to choose what kind of products you want to sell online is to think in terms of the kinds of people you want to help and go from there. Want to help guitar beginners? First-time dog owners? Chess enthusiasts?

Answer the question: “I want to help (this group of people) with (this topic).”

Choose a niche and you’ll know what products are relevant and will actually help your audience.

What Companies Pay You To Sell Their Products?

Most of them! There are 11,400 affiliate programs in the US alone and 81% of brands now have affiliate programs.

Amazon, Walmart, Target, Best Buy, Nike, Apple, Clickbank, eBay are the most famous ones but there’s also:

And so many more! 🙂

Can You Sell Products Online Without A Website?

It’s possible but not recommended. Having a website is the smartest way to get traffic, drum up sales and generate commissions and in this video, I’ll explain why not having a website is always a bad idea:

What Are The Most Profitable Products To Sell Online?

The products with the biggest profit margins and highest commission rates are digital products like online courses, membership sites and training programs. It’s not uncommon for affiliates to earn 50% or 75% on each sale as there are low production costs and zero shipping costs.

There You Have It!

You now have a solid overview of how selling other people’s products online works. Apply the steps in this guide and you’ll be well on your way to building an online empire of your very own.

If you’re looking for solid training that’s going to give you the best start possible then take the crash course here.

And if you have questions, feel free to reach out. Dale and I will be on hand every step of the way. Drop us a line in the comments below!

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Our free step-by-step training will teach you how you can turn any passion or interest into a thriving online business even if you're a beginner with absolutely no previous experience. Sign-up today & learn a skill that could change your life.

13 thoughts on “Make Money Selling Other People’s Products Online In 4 Steps”

  1. My dad owned a lock shop and I used to own dowdy carpet care left it with my ex but I did all the marketing and other stuff I would love to sell other businesses owners products like on Facebook and tik tok my tik tok page is loti love I have a non operable brain tumor and seizures but my tumor has not grown in years so I would love to help companies cause I am used to working but can’t now due to that I can’t drive please give me a chance to show you how good I am

  2. Thankyou so much you are a good teacher I have lent alot about this business affiliate with understanding it’s my first time understanding it from your teaching I want to start this please how can you help
    Thankyou hazel

  3. Thanks for this info I have learnt a few things
    but my question is how do you sell goods which a company gives you samples within your area


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