High Ticket Affiliate Marketing For Beginners – How To Earn BIG 💰

Photo of Dale
Dale is a former electrician that has since gone on to generate over $1 million in all-time affiliate commissions & become officially recognized as a Super Affiliate by the world's largest affiliate marketing training platform. Alongside running his own affiliate marketing empire, he now also teaches affiliate marketing to others through the Commission Academy platform.

High-ticket affiliate marketing is one of the most talked about types of affiliate marketing, as it could see you earning thousands or even tens of thousands of dollars in commissions from a single sale.

And the reality is that, when done correctly, high-ticket affiliate marketing isn’t actually any more difficult than low-ticket affiliate marketing.

This means that you can earn much larger commissions without any additional effort.

So to help you do exactly that, we’ve put this step-by-step guide together that teaches high-ticket affiliate marketing for beginners & walks you through the process of generating huge commissions as an affiliate.

Without further ado, then, let’s get to it.

What Is High-Ticket Affiliate Marketing?

High-ticket affiliate marketing is a form of affiliate marketing that specifically involves promoting high-priced (aka high-ticket) items to earn high commissions per sale.

Now, there is no exact definition as to what level of commission makes a sale a high-ticket affiliate sale, but generally, high-ticket affiliate marketing refers to the marketing of products or services that pay $500 commissions & upwards per sale.

So, as an example, if you promoted a gold & silver affiliate program & somebody made an investment that led you to earn $1,000 in commissions, that would be deemed a high-ticket sale.

And there are many, many different high-ticket affiliate programs that you can promote, with some even enabling people to earn more than $10,000 per sale.

With that in mind, you can, therefore, likely see why the concept of high-ticket affiliate marketing has so much appeal to new affiliate marketers.

And here’s the craziest part; When done correctly, high-ticket affiliate marketing is actually no more difficult than low-ticket affiliate marketing.

This means it can be just as easy to make a sale that generates $10,000 in commissions as it can be to make a sale that generates $10 in commissions.

And whilst that may sound far-fetched, what you have to remember is that doing affiliate marketing correctly doesn’t involve any selling.

As an affiliate, your job should not be to sell or “promote” to people but to instead simply connect people with the products or services they’re already looking for.

So, if somebody is looking to buy a $50,000 yacht, they could be just as easy to convert into a sale as somebody looking for a $50 gadget.

Success is all just about positioning yourself between the search & the sale. That way, if they go through your affiliate link, you earn the commission.

Without any selling, telling or promoting. 😊

Naturally, however, the concept of being able to earn commissions in excess of $10,000+ per sale can start to make people feel pretty sceptical.

So before we talk about how you can get started with high-ticket affiliate marketing as a beginner, let’s take a look into the legitimacy of it below.

Is High-Ticket Affiliate Marketing Legit?

Yes, in itself, the method of high-ticket affiliate marketing is legit. However, you must tread with caution as there are many high-ticket affiliate marketing scams.

You see, if you simply sign up for a high-ticket affiliate program & promote expensive products that pay high commissions, then that is perfectly legitimate.

That is providing, of course, the products aren’t overpriced.

A good example of this could be a gold & silver affiliate program. Many people invest tens of thousands of dollars into gold & silver.

So, if you recommended a good investment & collected a high-ticket commission by helping somebody, then that would be a legitimate way of doing high-ticket affiliate marketing.

However, there are many pyramid schemes that disguise themselves as high-ticket affiliate marketing programs that you have to watch out for.

The way these programs (or, should I say, scams) work is pretty simple.

They promise to provide you with an easy way to earn lots of money with high-ticket affiliate marketing & they require you to make a large investment to get started.

However, after investing, they leave you to discover that the only way to earn money is by simply re-promoting the same high-ticket program to others.

The reason those programs are scams is that there is no real product & the value of the “product” you are getting does not match the cost you are charged.

But as mentioned, providing you avoid those high-ticket affiliate marketing scam programs, there are many ways to do high-ticket affiliate marketing legitimately.

For example, you could promote boat & yachts affiliate programs… And there are even lots of high-ticket items on Amazon that you could promote.

So now that you know it’s legit, let’s take a look at how you can get started.

How To Get Started With High-Ticket Affiliate Marketing

The good news is that getting started with high-ticket affiliate marketing is pretty darn easy.

As mentioned earlier on this page, the key to success with high-ticket affiliate marketing is to focus on connecting people with the products they’re already looking for rather than promoting products to people.

This means you want to position yourself between people’s searches & their purchases.

So, the process of earning will look something like this:

  • Somebody searches for a high-ticket product or service
  • You connect them with it (via your affiliate link)
  • They complete the purchase
  • You earn a high-ticket commission for referring the sale

Now, you might be wondering how you can position yourself between the search & the purchase.

Well, the answer is simple. You can leverage a process known as search engine optimization (SEO for short) & the even better news is that this method can enable you to generate traffic for free.

So you can get free clicks & generate high-ticket sales, resulting in maximum profits.

And in case you don’t already know, SEO involves the process of creating content (such as blog posts) & getting them ranked in search engines.

So, as an example, you could write a product review of a high-ticket product & publish it.

Then, when somebody searches for a review of that product, your review will be shown in the results as an option for them to click on.

The higher it’s shown, the more clicks you’ll get & the more sales you’ll generate… Ultimately meaning the more money you’ll make as an affiliate.

What’s more, is that once the content is created, it could continue getting clicks for many years to come meaning that from a one-time effort, you could find yourself generating a completely passive income.

It’s the exact method we teach in our free step-by-step affiliate marketing course.

And once you begin earning enough money from organic SEO, you could even venture into paid advertising & pay to advertise at the top of search engine listings for specific keywords to generate even more sales as an affiliate.

But it’s important to master organic SEO first before doing that. Otherwise, you could run the risk of losing a lot of money through trial & error.

So to get started with high-ticket affiliate marketing through SEO, the first thing you’ll need to come up with is a niche idea.

In short, a niche is a smaller segment of a larger market & it’s important to come up with a niche because by keeping the content on your website laser-targeted, you’ll be seen as an expert on it by search engines & as a result, they’ll be more likely to rank your content higher.

Again, higher-ranking content means more clicks & ultimately, more money.

So an example of a general niche would be “robot vacuum cleaners”. That would be a niche topic within the larger industry of “vacuum cleaners”.

But, of course, that’s not a high-ticket affiliate marketing niche. So let’s take a look at some high-ticket affiliate marketing niche examples below.

High-Ticket Affiliate Marketing Niches

There are many different high-ticket affiliate marketing niches which is good news because this means that you’ll be able to pursue a niche you’re passionate about.

In fact, here at Commission Academy, we offer a high-ticket affiliate program meaning you can share our course & stand to earn over $1,000+ per sale.

So, to help you out when it comes to finding a high-ticket affiliate marketing niche, here are some examples:

  • Affiliate marketing
  • Gold & Silver
  • Other investments (Forex, etc.)
  • Boats & yachts
  • Garden swimming pools
  • Portable power stations
  • Power tools
  • Ride-on lawn mowers
  • Commercial gym equipment
  • Mobility scooters
  • Retro arcade machines

Those are just the initial ideas that immediately spring to my mind. Now, let me ask ChatGPT for 20 additional high-ticket affiliate niche suggestions:

As you can likely now see, ChatGPT comes in super handy when trying to choose an affiliate niche idea, so if you haven’t already done so (and still want additional high-ticket niche ideas), be sure to give it a try.

But once you’ve chosen your niche, the next step is to find high-ticket affiliate programs to promote.

Finding High-Ticket Affiliate Marketing Programs

With the help of Google & our very own list of high-ticket affiliate programs (along with our list of high-ticket products on Amazon), it’s really easy to find high-ticket programs that you can promote.

To find programs, all you need to do (after choosing your niche) is head to Google & type in your niche along with the words “affiliate program”, as shown below:

Then, when browsing programs, there are a few things you should look for. Those are:

  • The quality of the products or services
  • The prices of the products or services
  • The commission rates payable on sales
  • The cookie durations (the longer the duration, the better)

It’s important not to get too focused on how much a program will pay in commissions because the program with the highest commission rates may not necessarily earn you the most money.

It’s all about finding a program that has a balance of converting well AND paying high commissions.

So for that reason, it’s important to also put a lot of thought into finding a program that offers products or services that provide the best value to your visitors.

And, of course, you should also make sure the program has a lengthy cookie duration.

The cookie duration refers to the period of time after somebody clicks on your click that you’ll still qualify to earn a commission if they make a purchase.

So, for example, if a program had a 30-day cookie duration, you could still stand to earn a high-ticket commission even if they didn’t complete their purchase until 30 days after initially clicking your affiliate link.

Then, once you’ve got your niche idea & you’ve found some high-ticket affiliate programs that are available to promote in that niche, it’s time to actually take the leap & begin building your high-ticket business.

We’ll explain how you can do that below.

Start Your High Ticket Affiliate Business Today

As mentioned throughout this page, the best way to start a high-ticket affiliate marketing business is by leveraging a method known as SEO (search engine optimization).

This not only enables you to generate free traffic to maximize your profits, but it also enables you to position yourself in between searches & purchases to maximize your conversion rates.

In other words, you will be able to generate sales & earn commissions with absolutely minimal effort.

And the good news is that in our free step-by-step affiliate marketing course, we walk you through the entire process of setting everything up right through to earning your first commissions.

Plus, we also teach you how you can scale your business rapidly by using paid advertising to advertise right at the top of search engines such as Google, Yahoo & Bing.

So if you haven’t already done so, we recommend signing up for our free training before you leave.

But overall, we hope that this beginner’s guide to high-ticket affiliate marketing has helped you out & helped you to better understand how high-ticket affiliate marketing works & how you can make money from it.

We’ll proceed to answer some additional high-ticket affiliate marketing commonly asked questions below, but if you find yourself having any additional comments or questions you’d like to add, please feel free to do so using the comment form at the bottom.

High Ticket Affiliate Marketing FAQs

We’ve tried to cover everything there is to know about high-ticket affiliate marketing on this page, but in case there’s anything we’ve missed, we’ve also added an FAQs section below.

Is High Ticket Affiliate Marketing a Pyramid Scheme?

High-ticket affiliate marketing itself isn’t a pyramid scheme, but there are several pyramid schemes that attempt to disguise themselves as high-ticket affiliate marketing programs.

The easy way to reveal a high-ticket affiliate marketing pyramid scheme is to ask these questions:

  • Is there a legitimate product being sold (& is it truly worth the cost)?
  • Are people earning good money without promoting the program/product itself?

If there is no real product or an overpriced product & most of the top-earning participants are earning money by reselling the program/product itself, it is very likely a pyramid scheme & should be avoided.

Is High Ticket Affiliate Marketing Hard?

No, high-ticket affiliate marketing is not hard. Even though you can stand to potentially earn $1,000’s per sale, it is no more difficult to do than typical affiliate marketing.

Is High Ticket Affiliate Marketing Worth It?

Yes, absolutely. High-ticket affiliate marketing is certainly worth it & can prove to be very lucrative, but high-ticket affiliate marketing should not be your only means of earning.

Ideally, you want to leverage a combination of both typical affiliate marketing & high-ticket affiliate marketing to generate the best results.

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5 thoughts on “High Ticket Affiliate Marketing For Beginners – How To Earn BIG 💰”

  1. Hi Dale,
    Thanks for the sound advice indeed. When in business one needs to look at ways to improve the chances of making more money.
    I`ve decided to take up a high ticket affiliate marketing niche.
    The niche I choose is in tour and travel.
    Kindly advise on how I can include this niche in my present Hub & Website as a Premium member .

    • Hi Aubrey, that sounds good. To launch a site in the tour & travel niche, you’d just need to go to “Hubs” -> “Create a New Hub” and then follow the setup process.


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