How To Make $5,000 Per Month Online (Without Much Investment)

Photo of Dale
Dale is a former electrician that has since gone on to generate over $1 million in all-time affiliate commissions & become officially recognized as a Super Affiliate by the world's largest affiliate marketing training platform. Alongside running his own affiliate marketing empire, he now also teaches affiliate marketing to others through the Commission Academy platform.

Looking to work from home (or remotely) and make thousands of dollars each month online?

If your answer is yes, then this article will be perfect for you.

On this page, we will discuss the various methods that could see you making $5,000 per month online.

And after reading this article, you should have a clear understanding of how to make some serious money online. But before we get into it, let’s first talk about the important part: setting yourself up for success.

Setting Yourself Up for Success

With the rise of the gig economy, more and more people are turning to online earning as a way to make money. Whether you’re looking to supplement your income or replace your day job entirely, there are plenty of opportunities available. 

But how can you set yourself up for success? Read on to learn some tips and tricks to help you start making money online.

Create a Plan 

Before you begin working online, it’s essential that you create a plan. Think about what type of work you want to do and how much time and effort you’re willing to put into it. Do some research on the types of jobs available in your field, as well as the pay they offer. 

This will help ensure you don’t get burned out from spending too much time on low-paying tasks. It is also essential to consider how long each task will take so that you can plan accordingly. 

Establish a Schedule 

Once you have created a plan, the next step is establishing a schedule for yourself. Set realistic goals for how many hours per week or month you want to dedicate to online earning, and then stick with it.

Don’t be afraid to adjust your schedule as needed if something comes up or if work gets slow; just make sure that whatever changes you make are sustainable in the long run. 

Additionally, try not to spread yourself too thin by taking on too many projects at once—it can be overwhelming and lead to burnout down the line.                       

Stay Organized 

Organization skills are vital when it comes to online earning success. Keep track of all your tasks using an app or spreadsheet so that nothing falls through the cracks. This will also help keep things running smoothly when deadlines come around since everything will be in one place. 

When managing multiple projects at once, organization skills are essential because it makes switching between them more manageable and reduces confusion about what needs attention first or has already been completed. Plus, staying organized means less stress overall!  

Do Your Research 

Before you start trying to make money online, it’s essential that you do your research. You’ll want to know what type of work is available and how much you can expect to earn. 

You should also look into any potential scams, as well as what services and platforms are available for online earning. Doing your research upfront can help save you from wasting time or losing money on something that may not be legitimate or profitable.  

Find Your Niche 

An essential step in setting yourself up for success is finding your niche. What skills do you have that you can use to make money online? Are you good at writing or design? Do you have experience with programming or marketing? 

Once you figure out what skills you can offer, you can begin exploring the different ways of monetizing them. 

Create a Professional Portfolio 

Once you know what kind of services or products you plan on offering, the next step is creating a professional portfolio that showcases your work. 

This is especially important if you plan on freelancing; having a portfolio will make it easier for potential clients and employers to see what kind of work they can expect from you and give them the confidence they need in hiring or contracting with you. 

It’s also essential to ensure your portfolio is easy to navigate and displays all relevant information clearly.  

Develop an Online Presence 

Having an active presence on social media is essential in today’s digital world, as it helps build trust with potential clients and customers. You should also consider creating a website for yourself or your business so that people have one central hub to find all the information about who you are and what services/products you offer. 

Having an online presence also makes it easier for potential customers/clients to contact and engage with you, which could lead to more opportunities down the line.

Set Realistic Goals 

It’s important that when starting out with online earning, you set realistic goals for yourself based on how much effort and time you’re willing to put in. If possible, start small by setting short-term goals, such as creating a website or getting your first few clients/customers within a specific timeframe. 

As you reach those goals, gradually increase them until they become more challenging but still achievable with dedication and hard work. It’s also important not to think too far ahead; focus on what needs to be done now instead of worrying about what might happen down the line.

10 Ways To Make $5,000 Per Month Online 

Making money online is a great way to earn extra cash or even make a full-time living. While there are many ways to do this, the six methods we’ve outlined here should give you a good starting point. Whether you’re looking to start your own business, become a freelancer, or simply want to make some quick and easy money, there’s definitely an option for you.

1. Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is a great way to make extra income & it can even become a full-time job. Read on to find out how it works and how you can get started. 

What Is Affiliate Marketing? 

Affiliate marketing is an agreement between two parties, where one party (the “affiliate”) promotes the products or services of another party (the “merchant”) for a commission. It’s a performance-based form of digital marketing, meaning that affiliates only get paid if they generate results for their merchants. This could be anything from generating traffic and leads to making sales. 

How Does It Work? 

When someone clicks on an affiliate link, tracks that activity with cookies, and makes a purchase from the merchant’s website, the affiliate earns a commission from the merchant. The amount of commission depends on each individual merchant’s program guidelines. 

Some merchants offer higher commissions than others, so it’s essential to research different programs before deciding which one to join. A good starting point would be sites like ClickBank or Commission Junction – these are two of the most popular platforms for finding merchants who offer affiliate programs. 

What Are the Benefits Of Affiliate Marketing? 

One of the main benefits of affiliate marketing is that there are no upfront costs involved – all you need to do is sign up as an affiliate with your chosen merchant and start promoting their products or services online. You don’t need any specialized skills or knowledge either – all you need is some basic understanding of digital marketing techniques such as SEO, social media optimization etc., plus some creativity and enthusiasm! 

Furthermore, since you’re only paid when there are actual results generated from your promotions (e.g., when someone clicks on your link and makes a purchase), it’s a much more cost-effective way to earn money compared to other forms of digital advertising, such as PPC (pay-per-click).  

As you can see, there are many benefits to becoming an affiliate marketer. Not only does it require little in terms of upfront costs or specialized knowledge, but it also allows you to earn money without needing to actually create any products yourself. 

So, if you’re looking for ways to make money online without breaking the bank or spending too much time learning complicated skillsets – then why not give affiliate marketing a try today? Who knows – this could be just what you need to kickstart your journey towards financial freedom.

And the best part? You can get started right now, for free, with our very own step-by-step training.

2. Freelance Writing

As the digital economy booms, more and more people are looking to make money online. And one of the most lucrative ways to do that is by freelancing as a writer. Whether you’re an experienced writer or just starting out, there are plenty of opportunities for you to make $5,000 a month writing online. 

Let’s take a look at some of the best strategies for maximizing your income from freelance writing. 

Diversify Your Platforms 

One of the best ways to ensure consistent income from freelance writing is to diversify your platforms. This means having several different sources you write for and getting paid for each project you complete. For example, if you write blog posts for one client and white papers for another, you have two revenue streams coming in each month. 

This can help cushion any dips in one stream while still allowing you to earn a steady income overall. 

Create an Online Portfolio 

Having an online portfolio can be incredibly helpful when it comes to finding new clients and earning more money as a freelance writer. Your portfolio should showcase your best work and highlight your skillset, so potential clients know exactly what they’re getting if they hire you. 

Be sure to include samples of various types of content so clients can get a better idea of how versatile your writing skills are. It also helps if you have client testimonials in your portfolio, as this will give potential employers reassurance that other people were satisfied with your work in the past. 

Network With Other Writers 

Networking with other writers is essential if you want to succeed as a freelance writer. By connecting with other writers, not only will you learn valuable tips on how they make their living, but also gain access to exclusive job opportunities that may not be available publicly or on job boards or freelance sites like Upwork or Fiverr. 

Plus, since many writers work remotely, networking gives them an opportunity to meet like-minded people who understand their struggles and successes in their profession—which can be incredibly helpful when it comes time for freelancers to find support or advice about their work-life balance.

Freelance writing is one of the best ways to build a passive income online and make some extra money on the side—especially if you’re willing to put in the time and effort necessary for success.

By diversifying your platforms, creating an online portfolio, and networking with other writers, there’s no reason why anyone shouldn’t be able to make at least $5,000 per month from freelance writing. With hard work and dedication, anyone can become successful in this field.

3. Dropshipping

Dropshipping is a business model where sellers can sell products without having to maintain stock or handle fulfilment. With this business model, sellers can offer a wider variety of products without taking on any extra costs. Let’s take a closer look at how dropshipping works and why it might be the perfect opportunity for your online business.  

How Does Dropshipping Work? 

Dropshipping works by connecting the seller (you) with wholesalers who hold the actual inventory. When a customer orders from your store, you will simply forward their order details to the wholesaler, who will then ship the item directly to them. This means you never have to worry about storing or shipping any of the items yourself.

You simply act as the middleman between your customers and the wholesalers, allowing you to focus on growing your business instead of worrying about managing inventory and fulfilling orders.  Another great benefit of dropshipping is that it allows you to start selling immediately – there’s no need for significant upfront investments in stock or warehousing space. All you need is a website or an online store set up with a few product images and descriptions, and you’re ready to start selling.

Advantages of Dropshipping 

Dropshipping offers several advantages over other forms of e-commerce businesses, such as traditional brick-and-mortar stores or fulfilment by merchant (FBM). 

First, since all orders are shipped directly from wholesalers, there is little risk involved in setting up an online store utilizing this method since no large investments in inventory are necessary. 

In addition, since most wholesalers offer worldwide shipping options, this makes it easy for sellers to reach customers from around the globe without having to manage multiple warehouses. 

Finally, dropshipping also allows sellers more freedom when it comes to pricing; they can set their own prices without having to worry about costly overheads associated with stocking and managing inventory.  

Overall, dropshipping is an attractive option for those looking to build an online business but not wanting the hassle of managing stock or fulfilment tasks themselves. From its low startup costs and worldwide reach potential, dropshipping offers advantages that traditional brick-and-mortar stores do not have access to. 

For those looking for an easy way into e-commerce without a lot of risk involved – dropshipping may be worth exploring as a potential source of income.

4. Blogging

At its core, blogging is a platform to share information online with your audience. It allows you to express yourself, share ideas and create content that will be seen by many people. The purpose can vary depending on who you are and why you are doing it. 

For example, some might blog to improve their writing skills or as a creative outlet, while others may do it to share knowledge or promote products/services from their business.  

How Does It Work? 

The first step in getting started with blogging is deciding which platform you want to use for your blog. Popular platforms include WordPress, Squarespace and Medium, but really the choice comes down to personal preference and what works best for you. Once you have selected your platform, the next step is creating content by writing blog posts that will be shared on your blog page. 

Each post should be organized around a central topic or idea that readers can easily identify and understand at a glance. Additionally, each post should contain visuals such as pictures or videos that help bring the post alive and engage the reader further. Lastly, the post should include relevant keywords so that search engines like Google can index it properly when people search for related topics online.  

Blogging offers businesses and individuals a fantastic opportunity to share their thoughts, stories, experiences and products/services with a broad audience online. By taking advantage of this powerful tool through strategically crafted content tailored towards specific interests or topics, bloggers can build relationships with their followers while also improving their visibility on search engine rankings like Google—allowing them to reach more people than ever before.

So, if you’re looking for a way to engage with your audience on a deeper level or increase your online presence, then blogging could be just what you need.

5. YouTube

YouTube is a powerful platform for both creators and viewers. It allows creators to share their content with the world while giving viewers access to lots of content from different sources. But did you know that YouTube also offers great potential for online earning?  

Monetization Options on YouTube 

One of the most common ways to earn money through YouTube is by monetizing your channel. To do this, you need to enable monetization in your account and link it with an AdSense account. Your videos must meet specific criteria before they are eligible for monetization; however, once they are approved, you will earn revenue based on ad impressions and clicks. 

Most YouTubers earn between $2-5 per 1000 video views, though this amount can vary depending on the type of ad being served.  

Affiliate Programs 

Another way to earn money through YouTube is by leveraging affiliate programs. This involves working with brands or companies that have products related to your niche and promoting them in your videos. When someone clicks on one of these links and makes a purchase, you receive a commission from the sale. Affiliate programs can be extremely lucrative if done well; many YouTubers have been able to make a full-time living off their affiliate income alone.


Another popular way of earning money through YouTube is by securing sponsorships from brands or companies. Sponsorships involve creating content for a specific brand or company in exchange for payment or free products/services. This usually requires some sort of agreement between both parties; however, if done correctly, it can be very profitable for both sides involved.

YouTube has opened up so many doors for people who want to make money online—and it’s not just limited to YouTubers either! Anyone looking to increase their income should consider exploring all the potential avenues that YouTube has to offer. Whether it’s through monetizing your channel, leveraging affiliate programs or securing sponsorships—there are plenty of options available that could help you reach your financial goals.

6. Online Freelancing

As more and more people are turning to the internet for work, online freelancing has become a viable way to make money. From creative writing to web design, there are countless opportunities available through online freelancing to make an income. Let’s take a look at how you can make money through freelancing and the potential of earning through this method. 

What Is Online Freelancing? 

Online freelancing is the act of providing services or producing products over the internet on a contract basis. This means that instead of working as an employee in a company, you’re working independently, often on short-term contracts with clients. This type of work provides flexibility and freedom that traditional jobs cannot offer. 

Types Of Work Available 

The types of online freelance jobs available through websites like Upwork or Fiverr are vast and varied. They range from graphic design, web development, content writing, translation services and much more. You can also find freelance opportunities in other areas, such as virtual assisting, social media marketing or even data entry work. The possibilities really are endless! 

The Potential for Earning 

While it can be challenging to get started in freelance work if you don’t have any connections or experience, once you build up your reputation with clients and start getting repeat business, the potential for earning is tremendous. In addition to being able to set your own rates and terms with each client, online freelancers also have the opportunity to take on multiple projects simultaneously, which can help increase their earnings significantly. 

Furthermore, since there are no overhead costs associated with this type of work (such as rent or office supplies), all profits earned by the freelancer go directly into their pocket! 

Online freelancing is quickly becoming one of the most popular ways for people to make money from home without committing to a full-time job or long-term contract. With so many different types of freelance opportunities out there, it’s easy for anyone with an internet connection and skillset to find something that works for them and start earning right away!

7. Selling Digital Products

If you’re looking for a way to make extra money online in your spare time, selling digital products could be the answer. Selling digital products such as e-books, online courses, and software can be a great way to generate an income stream without having to leave the comfort of your home. Here, we’ll discuss how you can make $5,000 from selling digital products online. 

Creating Your Product 

The first step is to create a product that people want to buy. This could be anything from an ebook on how to bake the perfect cake or a course teaching someone how to play the guitar. Before investing too much time into creating your product, it’s essential that you do some market research and find out what people are willing to pay for. 

You should also think about who your target audience is and focus on creating something that will appeal specifically to them. Once you have an idea of what kind of product you want to create, then it’s time to start working on developing it. 

Marketing Your Product 

Once you have created your product, it’s time to start marketing it. There are many different ways that you can go about doing this, depending on your budget, but one of the most effective methods is through content marketing. 

Content marketing involves creating content such as blog posts and videos that provide valuable information for free to attract potential buyers and build trust with them before asking them for money. This can include writing articles related to the topic of your product or providing video tutorials on how to use it. 

Additionally, social media can be a powerful tool for spreading the word about your product; by setting up accounts on multiple platforms, such as Twitter and Instagram, you can reach a broad audience quickly and easily without spending any money at all.

Making Money From Your Product 

Once you’ve built an audience for your product, it’s time to start making money. One of the easiest ways to do this is by setting up an automated payment system through services like PayPal or Stripe, which allow customers to purchase instantly with just a few clicks. 

Alternatively, suppose you prefer not to use automated systems. In that case, there are other options available such as setting up an affiliate program where other people (affiliates) promote your product in exchange for a commission each time someone buys through their link.  

Selling digital products online is an excellent way for anyone looking for an extra source of income in their spare time. By creating quality content targeted towards specific audiences and utilizing effective marketing strategies such as content marketing and social media promotion, anyone can make $5k or more from selling digital products online. 

8. Teaching Online Courses

With the rise of technology, more and more people are turning to the internet for their education. This means that there is a growing demand for online courses, which can be a great way to make some extra money. 

Step 1: Research Your Niche 

The first step in creating an online course is to do your research. You need to figure out what topics people are interested in learning about and determine if there is a market for your course. You also need to identify who your target audience will be and what type of knowledge they already have on the subject matter you plan to teach. It’s important to find a niche that you are passionate about and knowledgeable in so that you can create content that your students will find valuable. 

Step 2: Create Your Course Content 

Once you have identified your niche, it’s time to create the content for your course. Depending on the type of course you plan to offer, this could include lectures, videos, quizzes, slideshows, worksheets, or any other form of digital media that would help your students learn better. 

The content should be engaging and informative to keep your students interested and motivated throughout the course. It’s also essential to make sure that the content is easy to understand and visually appealing so that it looks professional and polished.  

Step 3: Promote Your Course 

Now that you have created all the necessary content for your course, it’s time to promote it! To get started, look into digital marketing strategies such as SEO (Search Engine Optimization), PPC (Pay-Per-Click Advertising), Social Media Marketing, etc., which can help increase visibility and drive sales. 

You may also want to reach out directly by emailing potential customers or reaching out through networking sites like LinkedIn or Facebook groups related to your field of expertise. Additionally, utilizing influencers or popular bloggers in related fields can help draw attention towards your course as well.   

With these steps in place, you should be able to make an extra $5000 per month teaching online courses. Creating an online course requires dedication and hard work, but once everything is set up properly it can be an incredibly rewarding experience, both financially and emotionally. 

All it takes is taking those first few steps towards creating something unique and special for others around the world.

9. Influencer Marketing

Influencer marketing is a strategy that small businesses, entrepreneurs, and larger corporations use to increase brand awareness and visibility. It can be an effective way to reach more potential customers by leveraging the influence of online personalities who have already established trust and loyalty with their followers. Here, we’ll take a look at what influencer marketing is, how it works, and why it’s important for businesses to utilize it. 

What Is Influencer Marketing? 

In short, influencer marketing is essentially when brands partner up with online personalities in order to promote their products or services via the influencers’ platforms. This type of promotion can come in the form of sponsored posts on social media accounts or videos made by the influencers themselves.

The goal is to leverage the influence that these personalities have over their followers to create a positive association between the brand and its target audience. This can increase brand recognition, generate higher sales, and drive website visits. 

How Does It Work? 

The first step in creating an effective influencer marketing campaign is finding the right influencers for your brand. You want to find people with an engaged following that fits your target demographic so that your brand message resonates with them. 

Once you find someone who meets these criteria, you can then start negotiating terms with them for how they will promote your product or service on their platform. For example, if you’re working with a YouTube star, you might agree that they’ll make a video about your product or service in exchange for compensation.   

Finally, once you’ve established a partnership with an influencer and finalized all the details of your campaign, it’s time to put it into action! The influencers will then promote your product or service via their platform while giving their honest opinion about what they think about it—which helps build trust between them and their followers even further. 

This type of authenticity helps create a connection between the audience and the brand, which often leads to increased engagement levels. 

Influencer marketing has become one of the most effective ways for small businesses and entrepreneurs alike to increase their visibility online as well as generate new leads for their businesses. By partnering up with influential online personalities who have already built up trust with their followers, brands can tap into new audiences quickly which can help boost sales in no time.

10. Building Apps and Websites

This method of earning an income online is relatively easy to learn and has the potential to generate a significant amount of revenue with minimal effort. Let’s take a look at what it takes to build apps and websites and why it’s a great way to earn an income online. 

What You Need To Get Started 

The first thing you need when getting started with creating apps and websites is some basic knowledge about coding and programming languages. 

A good place to start is HTML, which stands for Hypertext Markup Language. It is the most commonly used language for website development, so learning HTML can give you a good foundation for creating websites or developing web applications. Additionally, there are other languages that you can use depending on your goals, such as JavaScript, CSS, PHP, Ruby on Rails, and Python. 

Once you have the basics down, then you need to find a platform or software that will allow you to create your website or app. There are several options available such as WordPress, Wix, Squarespace, Shopify, etc., all of which have different features and advantages that can help get your project off the ground quickly. 

Making Money from Your App or Website 

Once your app or website is up and running, it’s time to start making money from it. One of the most popular methods for generating income from apps and websites is through advertisements. 

This could be anything from banner ads on your website or app page, sponsored posts on social media platforms such as Instagram or Twitter, or even paid reviews from influencers who are willing to promote your product in exchange for payment. 

Another option is selling digital products such as ebooks, music downloads, online courses etc., all of which can be hosted on your website or app page in exchange for a fee charged per download/purchase. Finally, if all else fails, there are also crowdfunding sites such as Kickstarter that allow individuals to fund their projects in exchange for rewards given out once the project is completed successfully.  

Building apps and websites can be an effective way of earning an income online with relatively little effort required once everything has been set up correctly. 

All that’s needed to get started is some basic knowledge about coding languages as well as finding the right platform/software for creating your app/website before monetizing it with either advertising revenue streams or digital products sales/crowdfunding campaigns, respectively.

Bottom Line 

Even if you’re starting from scratch, there are many different ways that you can start generating income online. 

By following the tips and tricks in this article, you’ll be well on your way to earning an extra $5000 per month passively. 

But naturally, of course, we’d recommend affiliate marketing as being the best way to build an income online – especially if it’s a passive income that you’re ultimately looking to build.


Well, because:

And because we have a free step-by-step training course that shows you how to get started.

So if affiliate marketing sounds like something that you’d be interested in, definitely be sure to check out our free training before you leave.

But overall, we hope that you found this page helpful & of course if you happen to have any additional questions or comments, don’t hesitate to leave them below.

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