6 Reasons You Should Never Do Affiliate Marketing Without A Website

Simon is a former UK call-centre worker who has gone on to build several highly successful affiliate marketing businesses in various different niches & become officially recognized as a Super Affiliate by the world's largest affiliate marketing training platform. He has since relocated to Thailand & now teaches affiliate marketing to others through Commission Academy.

Can you do affiliate marketing without a website? Yes. But should you? No! Trying to do affiliate marketing without a website is like running on a treadmill in slippers. You’ll still burn calories but why handicap yourself for no reason?

If you are serious about earning daily commissions online then you need a website and it’s not that big of a deal!

It’s simpler than you think: you don’t need to know how to code. You don’t need to hire a pricey web developer. You just need to follow a few simple steps to get your website up and running in the next 30 minutes.

And the best part?

We’ll walk you through it click by click.

It’s easier than you think: starting a website is no sweat at all compared to trying to do affiliate marketing without one. Plus it gives all your online efforts a rock-solid foundation.

There’s every reason to start your affiliate marketing business on the right foot with a website and many downsides to not having one. So in this post, I’m gonna do my best to lay out my case and convince you to just bite the bullet, get over your fears and create a website for your affiliate marketing business you can be proud of.

And if you’re like “You know what Simon, let’s do this! I’m ready to do affiliate marketing the right way!” then waste no more time and get started here. You’ll be so glad you did.

5 Ways To Do Affiliate Marketing Without A Website

How are you going to promote Amazon affiliate links without a website?

Take a look at the alternatives and it quickly becomes clear affiliate marketing without a website is not easy…

Solo ads: Introducing the #1 proven way to overpay for low-quality leads and make no sales.

Forum comments: Reddit, forums, blog and YouTube comments. When was the last time you clicked a spammy-looking link and bought something? Enough said!

Answering questions on Quora: This can work but it involves a lot of time answering people’s questions and sharing affiliate links will get you banned.

Paid advertising: Getting into paid advertising as an affiliate marketer beginner is a big affiliate marketing no-no because there’s a lot you need to get right if you don’t want to break the bank. Plus, you still need to send people to some kind of landing page.

YouTube: One of the better ways to do affiliate marketing without a website, though I would still recommend having a YouTube channel as an extra traffic and revenue source and not the main source.

6 Reasons A Website Is A Must-Have For Affiliates

When you boil it down, affiliate marketing is about sending the RIGHT traffic to the RIGHT places.

And I can think of no better way of doing that than creating a website based on an affiliate marketing niche, producing quality content that answers the questions of your target audience and getting free Google traffic 24/7 you can recommend relevant products to.

Not yet convinced? Here are my 6 top reasons every affiliate marketer needs a website:

1. A Website Is A Real Money-Making Asset

Spamming Facebook groups with affiliate links isn’t how you get rich with affiliate marketing, starting a website is!

Why? Because it’s the heart of any successful online business; it’s where you drive traffic, promote products, get your links clicked and make monthly commissions.

With a website, you get to generate a consistent income stream AND build a real money-making asset at the same time. Sites like Flippaย andย Empire Flippersย sell affiliate sites for up to 36x the average monthly revenue.

Let that sink in…

If your site makes $10,000 a month, you can sell it for $360,000 anytime you want for a big lump sum. Doing affiliate marketing with a website pays off BIG time!

2. Your Financial Future Deserves A Firm Foundation

Trying to do affiliate marketing without a website is like the foolish man who built his house on the sinking sand; you’re not building your financial future on a solid foundation.

affiliate marketing without a website illustration

Affiliate marketers fail when, instead of using social media to supplement their affiliate income, they build their whole affiliate marketing business on platforms they don’t own and have no control over.

It happens every day:

  • TikTokers get shut down
  • Instagramers get banned
  • YouTubers get cancelled
  • Facebookers get blocked

With an affiliate website, YOU own it completely and YOU are the one in control. It’s your very own piece of virtual real estate, it’s your online shopfront that is always open for business.

Be smart. Build a skyscraper of a business on a rock-solid foundation so it will provide for you and your family for many years to come.

Affiliate marketing with a website illustration
Shack or skyscraper: which would you like your financial future to look like?

3. You’ll Get The Highest Conversion Rates

Affiliates without a website get a lousy 0.5% to 1% conversion rate. That means for every 100 people they put their offer in front of, they’ll be lucky if they make a single sale.

Follow the Commission Academy crash course on the other hand, and you’ll learn exactly how to attract torrents of free and super targeted buyer-ready Google traffic to your site that converts at least 2 or 3 times that!

Why? Because your website is giving your audience a ton of value upfront:

how affiliate marketing with a website works

You’re answering their questions and solving their problems. You’re building trust, credibility and likability. You’re connecting with them before sending them to the affiliate program.

How can you do this without a website? You can’t!

Come on, you know it makes sense! ๐Ÿ˜‰

4. The Alternatives Are Expensive And Time-Consuming

Becoming an affiliate marketer without a website is going to cost you dearly in terms of time and money because whatever you decide to do, you’re still gonna need some way of getting traffic and some kind of landing page to send your traffic to.

And without a website what other choices do you have?

  • Answering forum questions is a waste of time
  • Spamming affiliate links in blog comments won’t work
  • Paid ads will cost you a fortune if you don’t know what you’re doing
  • Shelling out $297 a month for fancy sales funnel software is a mistake
  • Buying done-for-you affiliate marketing systems will only keep you broke

The great thing about affiliate marketing with a website is you can start for as little as $50.25 a month. This covers your domain, hosting and keyword tool โ€“ everything you need to succeed.

5. Having A Website Is A Requirement For Most Affiliate Programs

If you want to join Amazon’s affiliate program, for example, they’re going to ask you for your website’s URL.

Same with Clickbank, eBay, Target, Walmart and Adidas’ affiliate programs…

why you need a website for affiliate marketing

I could go on but you get the picture. You’re going to struggle to get approved for affiliate programs if you don’t have a website to prove you’re a legit affiliate marketer with good content who will represent their company well.

6. There’s No Need To Constantly Chase Sales

Whether it’s email marketing, answering Quora questions, or copying and pasting affiliate links across the web, without a website you’ll need to invest hefty chunks of time every day to go out there and try to drum up sales.

One of the reasons I love affiliate marketing with a website so much is that once you write a blog post, that post can hit Google’s top spot and get traffic and clicks for years. I haven’t touched my first affiliate site for nearly 5 years and still, it generates me over $1,000 a month.

I never chase sales. I don’t need to. 10,000s people a day come to me!

Now that’s a real income strategy! ๐Ÿ˜Ž

It’s Time To Create A Website You Can Be Proud Of

I hope I’ve done enough to convince you that affiliate marketing with a website is the only smart way to go.

“But Simon, if it’s so smart, why do so many try to do affiliate marketing without one?”

Because many scream in terror and run for the hills at the mere mention of building a website thinking itโ€™ll be tricky, complicated and take a lot of work, but this simply isn’t true! Let me assure you (speaking as a total non-techy), gone are the days you needed a coding degree.

In fact, follow our free step-by-step training and we’ll walk you through how to create a profitable affiliate website you can be proud of.

Free Training:

Launch a Thriving Online Business ๐Ÿ’ธ

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Our free step-by-step training will teach you how you can turn any passion or interest into a thriving online business even if you're a beginner with absolutely no previous experience. Sign-up today & learn a skill that could change your life.

8 thoughts on “6 Reasons You Should Never Do Affiliate Marketing Without A Website”

  1. Hi Dale,
    I`m sold on the idea of having a website for one`s affiliate marketing enterprise and am grateful for the help I got from WA to have my own website as quickly as it happened after joining.

  2. I have started my affiliate journey one month back after reading your mails and watching videos,I haven’t made any sale but enjoying the journey .My niche is health and my Website

    Hope to make some earning through Amazon affiliate and buy CA’ premium to boost and automate my income

    • I’m so glad to hear you’re enjoying the journey & I am absolutely confident that so long as you stick with it, you’ll certainly see success ๐Ÿ™Œ

  3. Thank you Dale for your highly informative post. Indeed many peolple are conned by these so called “superaffiliate gurus” who are know-it-all promising millions but delivering nothing. i enjoyed reading the article.


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