How To Get a Refund From Warrior Plus

Photo of Dale
Dale is a former electrician that has since gone on to generate over $1 million in all-time affiliate commissions & become officially recognized as a Super Affiliate by the world's largest affiliate marketing training platform. Alongside running his own affiliate marketing empire, he now also teaches affiliate marketing to others through the Commission Academy platform.

If you’ve bought a digital product through the Warrior Plus platform, there’s a high chance that you’ve found yourself unsatisfied with what you received.

That’s because the Warrior Plus marketplace is full of products & programs that make extremely bold promises but often fail to deliver on any of them.

So if you’re looking for a way to get your money back, the good news is that you’ve landed in the right place because on this page, I’ll uncover step-by-step how you can get a refund from Warrior Plus (even if your previous attempts have failed).

Let’s dive in & get to it.

What Is Warrior Plus?

In short, Warrior Plus is a marketplace for digital products.

It enables vendors to sell the products that they’ve created & it allows affiliates to sign up & promote those products in return for commissions.

Typically, all of the products on Warrior Plus revolve around some form of method for making money online & as mentioned above, they’re often extremely overhyped.

For example, as shown below, you’ll often see systems claiming that you can “easily make over $1,000 per day” through some form of automated method.

WarriorPlus Product Screenshot
Screenshot of a WarriorPlus product

Of course, to find out more you then have to hand over some of your own hard-earned cash.

And as you can imagine, it’s often at that point that you’re left to find out the program doesn’t really work as it claimed it would.

Or worse, you’ll often be hit with a bunch of additional upsells (often ranging into thousands of dollars) and then you’ll be left to find out it doesn’t really work as promised.

It’s essentially not a case of “if” you’ll get burned, but more of a case of how badly you’ll get burned.

Is Warrior Plus Legit?

Technically, Warrior Plus is legit. That’s because Warrior Plus is just a marketplace that facilitates the sales of digital products created by 3rd party vendors.

However, a high percentage of the products found on the Warrior Plus network are of extremely low quality & in many cases are outright scams.

And I’m not talking about “sneaky” scams either… Many of them are blatantly scams. Even at just a quick glance, it’s easy to see that many of the products are cons.

That’s why we don’t recommend Warrior Plus affiliate marketing methods.

So, why does Warrior Plus allow these types of products on their network?

Well, they allow it because they pass liability off onto the 3rd party vendor that created the product… And, of course, because those types of products rake in a heck of a lot of money.

After all, Warrior Takes a big chunk of the earnings through transaction fees… So if they turn a blind eye, then they can line their pockets.

And if somebody makes a complaint, they can just point the finger at the vendor.

Not cool. But if you have found yourself conned by a Warrior Plus product then thankfully there is some hope that you’ll be able to get your money back.

How To Get a Refund From Warrior Plus

As mentioned above, Warrior Plus passes off the blame for bad products onto the 3rd party vendors & so, as you’ve likely guessed, they also pass off the refunds to the 3rd party vendors.

This means that you’ll need to contact the vendor to request a refund.

Here is the guidance from the official “how to get a refund for a product bought on Warrior Plus” page on the Warrior Plus website:

The process for requesting a refund is the same as requesting support. Simply open a ticket through the vendor’s support link and request your refund.

NOTE: We cannot and do not ‘force’ refunds. However, we will notate a vendor’s account and if they have repeated complaints about not adhering to refund policies, they will be prohibited from selling on WarriorPlus. We take this issue very seriously.

By following the steps described on the page linked above, you will keep your WarriorPlus account in good standing.

So, step 1 of attempting to obtain a refund is to contact the vendor & give them a reasonable amount of time to reply to your request (up to 7 days).

If they do not reply to your request (which, reportedly, they often don’t) then your next step will be to file a complaint with either your bank, your card issuer or PayPal.

Filing a PayPal dispute is one of the most surefire ways to get your money back from Warrior Plus but do be aware that if you file a dispute, Warrior Plus will ban your account.

If you didn’t make your payment through PayPal, then you will need to reach out directly to either your bank or your card issuer & explain what happened.

It’s important when filing the dispute that you provide as much information as possible.

Let them know what you were promised, the date you made the purchase (and any subsequent purchases), and what you received (or didn’t receive).

Essentially, let them know, in as much detail as possible, why you feel you were scammed.

Warrior Plus Trustpilot Reviews: Not Good!

Just in case you’re reading this page before purchasing a Warrior Plus product, I thought I’d include a glimpse at the Warrior Plus Trustpilot reviews.

Take a look at this:

Warrior Plus Trustpilot Reviews

Out of 235 total reviews, 94% of them are 1 star. That’s 220 negative reviews out of 235.

And if we take a closer look at some of the comments that have been left then you’ll begin to see there’s a common trend:

Warrior Plus Review
Warrior Plus Review

The Bottom Line

Whilst Warrior Plus is technically legitimate in the sense that it is merely a marketplace facilitating vendors with the ability to sell their products, it’s clear to see some shady practices are going on & many dodgy products are being sold.

But nevertheless, I hope this guide has helped you to either avoid a Warrior Plus scam entirely or to get your money back if you’ve already fallen victim to one.

Of course, if you happen to have any questions or comments, don’t hesitate to leave them below.

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