How To Write an Epic Long Form Sales Page That Converts

Photo of Dale
Dale is a former electrician that has since gone on to generate over $1 million in all-time affiliate commissions & become officially recognized as a Super Affiliate by the world's largest affiliate marketing training platform. Alongside running his own affiliate marketing empire, he now also teaches affiliate marketing to others through the Commission Academy platform.

When it comes to increasing your conversions, there’s no better way to make a great first impression than with a long-form sales page. 

Similar to how pages like product detail and blog posts inform potential customers about your products or services, long-form sales pages give you the opportunity to convert prospects into leads by convincing them that what you have to offer is worth their money.

With an engaging introduction, use of visuals, thorough product descriptions and clear CTA’s (call-to-action), these pages can be invaluable for any business looking for growth opportunities. 

To help illustrate this point further, let’s take a look at some successful examples of long-form sales pages from various industries and discuss why they are so effective in converting visitors into desired actions.

First though, for those that don’t already know about long form sales pages, let’s start from the top.

What Is a Long Form Sales Page? 

A long form sales page is an online tool used to market products and services to potential customers. It typically consists of several sections that focus on different aspects of the product or service being sold, from its features and benefits to customer testimonials and money back guarantees.

Long form sales pages are often very wordy, with some pages running up over 10,000 words in length. 

This allows businesses to provide comprehensive information about their product or service in order to make it easier for customers to make an informed purchase decision. 

Why Use a Long Form Sales Page? 

Long form sales pages are great for businesses who want to provide more detailed information about their product or service without having to deal with the overhead costs associated with traditional marketing campaigns such as print ads or television commercials. 

Furthermore, they enable businesses to target specific types of customers by customizing their content based on the customer’s needs and interests.

Lastly, long form sales pages offer businesses the opportunity to establish themselves as industry experts by providing helpful information that will help potential customers make an informed purchasing decision. 

Long form sales pages can be a powerful tool for businesses looking to generate more leads and convert more customers into paying clients. 

By providing comprehensive information about their product or service, such as features and benefits, customer testimonials, refund policies, etc., businesses can establish credibility while giving potential customers the necessary information to make an informed purchasing decision. 

Ultimately, if done correctly, long form sales pages can be one of the most effective ways for businesses large and small alike to increase conversions.

But this isn’t necessarily always the case & there are times when short-form sales pages are better.

When Short-Form Sales Pages Perform Best

If you’re selling a product or service online, you need to know when it’s best to use a short-form sales page. Short-form sales pages are designed to quickly and efficiently explain what you’re offering and why your prospect should buy it. But when do they work best? Let’s take a look. 

High Awareness of Your Product/Brand: If your prospects are already familiar with your product or brand, short-form pages can be especially effective. This is because they don’t need to be persuaded as much — they already understand the value of what you’re offering and just need the key details that will get them to take action. 

Straightforward Products/Services: Short-form pages also perform well when the product or service you’re selling is straightforward, meaning there isn’t much complexity involved in explaining it. For example, if you sell t-shirts, all you really need is a brief description of the features (e.g., fabric type, sizing options) and a few pictures that show off the design. That doesn’t require long paragraphs of copy or a detailed explanation about how it works — just the basic facts about what customers will get for their money. 

Low Cost and Low Risk: Short-form pages also tend to perform better when your product/service is low cost and low risk. In other words, prospects aren’t overly hesitant about spending money on something that won’t deliver real value or put them at risk in some way. This includes products like ebooks, software tools, subscription services, etc., where the cost is relatively low, and there’s no real risk involved in making the purchase (except perhaps buyer’s remorse). 

Low Commitment: Finally, short-form pages can work well when prospects don’t have to make a big commitment in order to buy what you’re offering—for instance, if there’s no long-term contract required or if customers can cancel at any time without penalty. These types of offers make people more likely to take action quickly because they don’t feel like they’re making too big of an investment upfront without being able to test out the product first. 

When selling online, using a short-form sales page can be highly effective if your prospects are already aware of your product/brand; your product/service is straightforward; it has a low cost, carries little risk, and requires little commitment from buyers.

Crafting the Perfect Long-Form Landing Page

Landing pages are a great way to capture leads and convert them into customers, but they can be tricky to create. Long-form landing pages, in particular, require a lot of thought and attention when it comes to design and content.

Here are some key components you should consider when creating a long-form landing page. 

A Compelling Headline 

The headline is one of the most critical elements of any landing page. Your headline should be clear, concise, and compelling—it should grab your reader’s attention and make them want to learn more about what you have to offer. 


The sub-headline should provide more detail about what’s included on the page without being too wordy or overwhelming. It should complement the headline rather than repeat its message—this will help keep readers engaged as they scroll through your page. 


People tend to respond positively to visuals like images or videos on a website—they can add character, engage viewers, and further explain what you’re offering on your landing page. Videos are particularly effective when it comes to long-form landing pages because they allow you to provide additional information in an easily digestible way. Images also work well for this purpose—just be sure that all visuals are relevant to your content and add value for viewers. 

Social Proof 

Include customer testimonials or reviews on your long-form landing page, so potential customers know that others have had positive experiences with your product or service before committing themselves. This will increase trust in your brand, which is especially important when asking someone for their contact information or other sensitive data.  

Strong Copywriting 

Your copywriting needs to be succinct yet informative; it needs to quickly get across what makes you unique without burying readers under paragraphs of text that they won’t read anyway. Try breaking up large chunks of text with visuals or bullet points where appropriate so that viewers don’t feel overwhelmed by the amount of information on the page.  

Regular CTAs   

You need multiple calls-to-action (CTAs) throughout your long-form landing page for people to take action after reading all the content on the page—otherwise they might just click away without doing anything. Consider including CTAs at both the beginning and end of each section as well as at regular intervals throughout the body text so that viewers never miss an opportunity to take action after engaging with your content.  

FAQ Section

Don’t forget about including an FAQ section if necessary. This allows you give more detailed answers to common questions from potential customers without taking up too much space on the main landing page itself—you can link out from other sections of the page back into this FAQ section if necessary.   

How to Write a Winning Long-Form Sales Page

Writing an effective long-form sales page is essential to boosting your conversions and getting more customers.

It’s not enough to just write compelling copy; there are certain elements that must be included in order for the page to truly do its job.

Here are some of the key factors you need to consider when writing a long-form sales page:

The Goal of Your Copy 

The first factor you need to consider is what the goal of your copy is. You should have a clear idea of what major goal you want to achieve with this project, as well as any other goals you might have in mind. Having a clear goal will ensure that your copy is focused and directed towards achieving that goal. 


Another factor you need to consider is whether or not there are any aspects of your product or company that could lend credibility to your sales pitch. Think about ways you can showcase facts, figures, customer reviews, awards, or other pieces of evidence that could help prove the value of your product or service. 

Product/Service Offering & Features 

You should also think about what exactly it is that you’re offering with this sales page and what features are included in your product or service. Make sure you list out all of the features clearly so that readers can easily understand how it works and how it can benefit them. 

Next, think about the major benefits your customer gets from using your product or service and make sure they’re highlighted throughout the copy on the page. This will help customers understand why they should choose you over another competitor who may be offering something similar. 

Customer Profile & Guarantees  

Finally, consider what type of person would be interested in buying from you and create a profile for them based on their needs and interests. 

Additionally, think about what type of guarantee you offer with your product so customers know they can trust you even if they don’t end up being satisfied with their purchase. Include information about what level of support and service comes along with purchasing from you—this could be anything from providing tutorials to offering free consultations and more.

Benefits of Long Form Sales Pages

Long form sales pages are an integral part of any digital marketing strategy. It is one of the most effective ways to convert leads into customers, as it allows you to communicate directly with your audience in a way that is engaging, informative, and persuasive.

Let’s take a look at some of the key benefits of long form sales pages:

Increased Engagement

Long form sales pages provide more space for you to engage with potential customers than a typical landing page or homepage. This additional space allows you to create an immersive experience that will draw people in and keep them engaged longer. 

You can use this extra room to provide detailed information about your product or service, answer common questions and address any objections potential customers may have before they even ask them. This helps build trust and credibility between you and your audience which goes a long way in convincing them to make a purchase. 

High Conversion Rates 

Long form sales pages are designed with one goal in mind – converting leads into paying customers. By providing all the necessary information upfront, long form sales pages help reduce the number of steps required for someone to make a purchase decision. 

Additionally, by addressing any objections before they arise in the minds of potential customers, long form sales pages help increase conversion rates because customers are more likely to buy if their concerns have already been addressed. 

Simplified Maintenance 

Maintenance costs can quickly add up when it comes to managing multiple websites or landing pages. With a long form sales page all the necessary information is on one page which makes it easier for businesses to manage their content without having to worry about updating multiple sites at once. 

Additionally, making changes or edits on a single page will be less time consuming than making changes across multiple sites/pages which results in cost savings as well as improved efficiency.  

Bottom Line 

Long form sales pages offer numerous benefits for businesses looking to maximize conversions while minimizing advertising costs.

By leveraging the power of long-form content such as detailed explanations, customer testimonials and FAQs, businesses can create an immersive experience that engages potential buyers while also reducing the amount of steps required for them to make a buying decision. 

For these reasons and more, businesses should consider investing in creating high quality long form sales pages for their websites if they want increased engagement and higher conversion rates from their digital marketing efforts.

But of course, the primary key to success with any campaign is traffic. A high conversion rate is good, but more targeted traffic is even better.

After all, it’s the traffic that’s going to be making you the money, not the conversion rate.

And the good news is that our free training uncovers some of the most powerful traffic generation methods available (both free & paid).

So if you haven’t yet done so, we’d highly recommend you sign up for our free training before you leave to learn how to generate the most amount of traffic possible to send to your offers.

But overall, we hope that this page has given you a good insight into what long form sales page are, their perfects & most importantly, how to craft a perfect one that actually converts.

Of course, if you still happen to have any questions or comments, don’t hesitate to leave them below.

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