How Do Refunds Work With Affiliate Marketing?

Affiliate Marketing Refunds

Quick Answer: Most affiliate programs have commission hold periods that cover their refund window. This means that if any refunds happen, they’re simply deducted from your balance before being paid out. Affiliate programs will never claw funds directly from your bank. As an affiliate marketer, you’re paid commissions each time you successfully manage to generate … Read more

15 Best Food Affiliate Programs For 2024 (Top Paying)

Best Food Affiliate Programs

If you have an audience that’s interested in food then you’ll be glad to know that there are lots of high-paying food affiliate programs that you can earn from. All you need to do is recommend helpful food-related products or services & as an affiliate, you can collect commissions from successful sales. So, to help … Read more

What Is a Commission Chargeback In Affiliate Marketing?

Affiliate Program Chargeback

Picture this; you log into your affiliate reporting dashboard & notice that you’ve earned a handsome commission of a few hundred dollars. Amazing, right? But upon logging back in a few days later you realize the commission has been revoked & the reason is because it’s been subject to a commission chargeback. 😲 You scream, … Read more

What Is CPL In Affiliate Marketing? Cost-Per-Lead Explained

CPL Affiliate Marketing

Quick Answer: CPL stands for Cost-Per-Lead & it refers to the amount of money that it costs you on average to acquire a new lead. In this blog post, we explain what leads are, why they’re important & how you can drastically reduce your CPL with a few small changes. As an affiliate marketer, CPL … Read more

Affiliate Marketing Glossary of Terms

Affiliate Marketing Glossary

When you first start your affiliate marketing journey, you’ll no doubt be faced with a bunch of different terms & there’s a high chance that you won’t know what they mean. What’s more is that sometimes, it can feel embarrassing to ask. So, to help you out in this situation, I’ve put together an affiliate … Read more

How To Make Link Clickable In YouTube Description

Clickable Link In YouTube Description

Recently, I published a video on an old YouTube channel that I had & I found myself faced with a problem. The problem was that the link in the video’s description was not clickable… And even after adding “https://” at the beginning of the link like other guides suggested, it still didn’t help. Thankfully, though, … Read more

20 Best Technology Affiliate Programs For 2024 (Highest Paying)

Technology Affiliate Programs

The technology industry is growing at a rapid pace & folks interested in technology constantly have to renew their devices to keep up with the latest software demands & trends. This means that for affiliate marketers, there’s a great opportunity to earn commissions by connecting people with the technology products or services they’re looking for. … Read more

11 Best Subscription Box Affiliate Programs For 2024 (Top Paying)

Best Subscription Box Affiliate Programs

Many people (including myself) love the convenience & surprise that weekly or monthly subscription boxes can provide. As a result, they’ve massively gained popularity. And this is great news for affiliate marketers because, as an affiliate, you can recommend subscription boxes & earn commissions from successful sales. So, to help you do exactly that, we’ve … Read more

Can You Post The Same Video On 2 Different YouTube Channels?

Can You Post The Same Video on 2 Different YouTube Channels?

Quick Answer: No, you can’t publish the same video on 2 different YouTube channels (except under certain circumstances). It’s seen as duplicate content & frowned upon by YouTube. Lately, I’ve been working hard on becoming more consistent with publishing videos on the Commission Academy YouTube channel. However, that’s not the only YouTube channel I have. … Read more

16 Best Electronics Affiliate Programs For 2024 (Top Paying)

Best Electronics Affiliate Programs

Electronics is a fun hobby that’s enjoyed by millions of people all around the world (including myself!) & it’s a great niche for affiliate marketing. All you need to do is simply connect folks who are interested in electronics with the electronics products or services they’re looking for & you can earn commissions in return. … Read more