Affiliate Disclosure

At Commission Academy, we value the importance of honesty, trust & transparency. As a result, we want you to be aware that if you make any purchases via links on our website, at no extra cost to you, your referrer may be paid a commission.

How Does It Work?

Commission Academy is free & always will be, however, at certain points throughout the training we recommend third-party resources - some of which are paid-for (or have optional paid-for-plans). These resources also have affiliate programs.

Given that our platform is built around teaching affiliate marketing, we provide all members who have completed the training course with the opportunity to replace the default links with their own affiliate links & invite others to try out the Commission Academy training. This gives those members the ability to earn commissions if any of their referrals happen to go through the training & decide to purchase any optional paid-for products or services in order to build their business.

Note: We only ever recommend resources that are either required, or that will truly help the learner to launch & scale their business. The success of our platform is based on the fact that we put helping members first, earning revenue second.

If you do make a purchase, the price you pay will always be the same whether you use the affiliate link or go directly to the vendor's website using a non-affiliate link. By using the affiliate links, you are helping us to provide free education.

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